Auberge Element 52 in Telluride, Colorado

Real Estate

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Telluride Real Estate

There’s something special about Telluride. Everybody says so, whether vacationing for the first time, returning for an umpteenth visit, or having called the region home for decades. The San Juan Mountains are undoubtedly among the most beautiful peaks in the Lower 48 and rival many found around the globe. Additionally, the character and charm of Telluride and its residents are hard to beat. Incorporated as a town in 1878, people came to Telluride at the turn of the century in hopes of finding their fortunes. Gold and silver ran rampant in the mountains above town and with that came a hearty crowd full of personality. History was made regularly with Butch Cassidy robbing his first bank in town …. Telluride, even then, was known as a town that appreciated the good life.


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Historical Sales

Both Mountain Village and Telluride are generously doused with gourmet restaurants, sassy boutiques and impeccable architecture; outdoor activities come in all shapes and sizes; and cultural events/festivals happen year-round. And with air service continuously expanding and improving, this once hard-to-get-to spot in Colorado’s southwestern corner (that’s still 37 miles from the nearest traffic light) is easier to get to than ever before. Major airlines like United, America West, Delta, Continental and American fly into the Telluride and Montrose airports (thanks to the Airline Guarantee Program), connecting the region to metropolises like Denver, Los Angeles, Houston, Chicago, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Atlanta, Dallas and Newark.


Telluride Market Update

Telluride real estate market update and comprehensive information. For a full comprehensive breakdown of the Telluride real estate market, as well as comparable markets and global market trends, please view our market update here.


Marketing And Advertising

Telluride is a very unique market due to its size, prices and location/access; therefore perception, awareness and pricing are critical to success. When a property has a positive perception, buyers show greater interest and are willing to pay more.

Current Trends

Current inventory

Sales Year to Date
$X,xxx Million

Statistic 3

Team Sales
